Abruptly, she put down the broken china and leaned against the dishwasher.
I came to on the floor among bits of broken china; near my face were the shoes of a man standing over me.
When we had bagged all the broken china, Posy asked if she could do anything else.
A moment later Lou heard a crash of broken china, a heavy fall, and then silence.
I think I'd feel better if the manager let me pay for some of that broken china.
Then something happened, and down I went among the broken china and hit my head against the leg of a table.
The White House was left a mess, including several thousand dollars worth of broken china.
She began simply, covering a lamp stand in broken china, but then her husband, Aziz, above right, got involved.
She stood uncertainly, the dust-pan with broken china in her hand.
She could feel her arm pressing on a sharp piece of broken china.