The airline's brochure stated a fare of $7.50 for this route, which included stops in San Diego and other locations as requested.
The brochures state that anyone in average physical condition and up to 70 years old can handle it.
In the case of Halifax Building Society the brochure states that the society accepts responsibility for its employed valuers.
Lotronex's prescribing information brochure states that alosetron should not be initiated in patients with constipation.
His brochure, while not naming them, stated that "four important railroads" had done that.
The brochure stated clearly that while some children transferred back to mainstream schools, 'the majority remain until they are 16 years of age'.
Our brochure states that motion-sickness medication is advised, at least one hour before sailing.
Nevertheless, Clara had been obliged to raise the subject of a best dress, because the brochure about the school trip had clearly stated that it would be expected.
The brochure notes that the issuer was "created by Congress" but never states that its debts are not guaranteed by the government.
The brochure states that "it is unlikely that chronic wasting disease is naturally transmissible to humans."