A brochure reads: "Do you have only 3-4 weeks before your survey?
Cleverly promoting that great university to students in the east the brochure reads in part, "No subways .
Goodness slapped that brochure across her windshield, and the woman didn't even read it.
"Don't pick teeth, touch your belt, pull at your pants or take off your shoes in public," reads one common brochure.
"The perfect investment for your future," the brochure reads in Spanish.
"Choose your colored bath according to the area of your emotional life that needs attention, i.e. self-love, self-worth," reads the brochure.
The brochure reads as if he might have been inspired by a village in Vermont.
This would be money well spent and more cost-effective than glossy brochures which no-one reads or understands.
A promotional brochure reads, "Where we are headed: a season of six fully mounted comedies, dramas, mysteries and musicals."
One brochure reads: "Each of us has a role to play in our drive to create a company renowned for performance, environmental leadership, innovation and progressive ideas.