In manpower it was broadly equivalent to an American infantry corps, having a strength of 74,530 men on May 1, 1945.
This is in accordance with the Council's long standing policy to maintain reserves broadly equivalent to three months' core activity expenditure.
It also carries out functions which are broadly equivalent to the coroner in common law jurisdictions.
Now its easier to get and (although variable) of broadly equivalent quality.
Similar or broadly equivalent customs were and are also known in other cultures, though not always by that name.
They are broadly equivalent to the first two years of a bachelor's degree.
Defined by environmental regulations - broadly equivalent to hazardous waste.
Development plan documents taken together are broadly equivalent to the old-style local plans.
This is broadly equivalent to preventing the emissions from more than six million cars from entering the atmosphere each year.
This value is broadly equivalent to the value of the underlying assets.