He appears toward the end of the video of the broadcast of the event.
Two judges observed Kobayashi while the live broadcast of the event played next to him on a large television screen.
They closed out the national broadcast of the event with "Cocaine Cowgirl".
The broadcast of the event was also cut off as rebel troops successfully captured the other stations.
Using evidence collected from 31 stationed observers and two perspectives on the televised broadcast of the event, five key ideas are explored in this essay:
A live three-hour broadcast of the event can be seen on Channel 9, beginning at 9 P.M.
Initially, coverage consisted of just a single one-hour taped-delay broadcast of the main event.
The BBC estimated that its broadcast of the event, the 150th running of the race, would have reached 250 million people.
A decision to prevent broadcast of the event did not limit on the press' ability to report upon the event.
Before the live broadcast of the event began, Funaki defeated Simon Dean in a dark match.