Officials add that the fall date was only a broad target - a notion that brokerage executives dispute.
The male, thinking he was his opponent, turned and focused on Peter, presenting, as he did so, a broad target for the female.
He walked casually to the door, again offering the guy a broad target, then turned back to say: "Remember me to the fallen angel.
Those waves followed a true path, to spread but not enough to miss their broad and lofty target, the stone center of the wooded hill.
This group also includes a broader target for marketers and advertisers.
They'll have a harder time getting broad targets on us.
A tightening of the skin on his neck, a growing awareness that his back made a broad target.
Counties developed Structure Plans that set broad targets for the wider area.
However, these broad targets are more accurately caricatured within Canada itself.
Schumann is a broad target for those who, fairly or not, find his orchestration constipated.