There was also a little broad satire in many episodes.
At the time that Gogol wrote "The Government Inspector," in 1836, the censors viewed the play's broad satire with alarm.
But it may be the first post-9/11 comedy to pass up broad satire for a more humanistic, interpersonal approach - with all the attendant risks.
What saves "Soup of the Day" from its sometimes overly broad satire is irony, in generous and delicious portions.
According to Marschall, Li'l Abner gradually evolved into a broad satire of human nature.
During 1965-66 the focus of the sketches gradually shifted from topical political humour to broader social satire and more conventional revue-style material.
Since academic novels usually focus on the nasty rivalries and inflated egos of their characters, they have served as vehicles for broad satire, not serious themes.
Poland certainly has had its share of misery, and the posters reflect the Communist years in moods that veer from broad satire to sheer horror.
An Island has no coherent, overall structure, no plot whatsoever, being instead a broad satire.
There are broad satires on modern life, relentlessly splenetic opinions and clever linguistic riffs that he may well have included for his own amusement.