The opposition has declared its intention to make broad revisions.
Last week, Mrs. Rell signed a bill that makes broad revisions in state campaign finance laws.
But he added that the Speaker had publicly committed himself to a broad revision of ethics rules by next January.
Mr. Alper said he was unaware of plans for a broad revision of the city's incentive programs.
This time, however, the lower house is controlled by an opposition alliance which has declared its intention to make broad revisions to the budget.
The changes were part of a broad revision of the House rules that was adopted today.
Some of the problems are outlined in the commission report, which has undergone broad revisions since the first draft was completed in April 1987.
The change would create a panel in the next parliament with the power to propose broad new revisions to the constitution.
The Treasury Department issued a broad revision of tax regulations for foreign companies.
But while the association approved these changes, it opposed any broader revisions in regulations, like extending the rules on corporate disclosure to the municipal market.