That route avoided having to cross the broadest portion of Bowless Creek.
Pyroelectric photocathodes can be used to produce a vidicon sensitive over a broad portion of the infrared spectrum.
After landing on the broad middle portion of the deck, Vipers are moved into launching tubes located on the outboard side of the bay.
The broad linear portion is yellowish brown, containing a narrow dark greenish mass of frass.
He lived in a deep and broad portion of the river, about two miles distant.
In that position, he oversaw Mormon affairs over a broad portion of Arizona.
The manubrium (ma-NOO-bree-um) is the broad superior portion of the sternum.
In relation to the latter, an Austrian family was of the opinion that it alone had the right to fish in broad portions of the bay.
The rattle quills broaden at the terminal end and the broad portion is hollow with thin walls.
Pouch small, leaf-shaped, pointed, on the broad portion of its under surface a longitudinal carina.