It ran into the broad, bright lanes of San Vincente exactly where Greenhaven was supposed to be.
A broad lane was formed through the throng of smiling men whom the sudden, unexpected light of love had softened magically.
Dirt roads barely wide enough for two cars to pass nervously are being paved with two broad lanes.
The two-lane road has broad lanes and paved shoulders.
Thus the broad, carefully mown lane was empty.
And her heart pounding, she watched the procession move slowly into the broad lane that led back to the other end of the village.
The road from Creel down to Batopilas began the next morning on two broad lanes of pavement.
Ryeland walked down a broad green lane toward the glint of water, it was as good a direction to go as any.
The outer fringe of sightseers opened a broad lane.
He returned triumphantly, walking slowly, fearlessly down a broad lane of golden mushrooms toward the hiding place of his people.