The institutes which voice the concern over underdevelopment are very Western-oriented, and postdevelopment calls for a broader cultural involvement in development thinking.
Results point to a broader involvement of the dPMC and other motor areas.
What may be more important, though, is the broader involvement, the tangible presence of the gang members that provides the support holding many projects together.
A broad international involvement in the science payload and exploration tools of the descent module is envisaged.
They shared a vision of the future: the creation of an organization with a broad involvement in rail transport in the Netherlands.
The school boasts broad involvement in numerous other student organizations, including a strong FBLA chapter.
"We have to look at a much broader involvement of all the other institutions if we are going to make a difference."
Most students resisted being drawn beyond protest over specifically student issues to broader political involvement.
On the one hand, the leadership is at pains to create the impression of broad public involvement in its recovery program.
The broad and balanced involvement of the participants is of fundamental importance.