Since 1988, when his cancer was diagnosed, Mr. Friend had been very active in the broader fight against the disease.
The battle over the marriage penalty was a microcosm of the broader fight.
They see a broader fight taking hold in businesses across the country to expand spousal benefits to include homosexual lovers.
"They lost the broader fight over whether their service is regulated or not."
Which leads to the broader fight over Social Security, Democrats and other advocates of the traditional government program say.
Asked afterward about the omission, the candidate said Iraq must be viewed in the context of a broader fight against terrorism.
Yahoo is on the defensive in the broader fight, where Web search advertising is the biggest prize.
It would also provide developing countries with outside revenue and draw them into the broader fight against climate change.
This was a local struggle in a much broader fight called the Colorado Labor Wars.
There are also unanswered questions about whether Al Qaeda was involved as part of its broader fight against Americans.