Unlike the parts of the complex he had seen before, broad archways opened off this corridor, giving him a clear view of the rooms beyond.
Through the broad archway, the outer world could be seen.
Telamont motioned Galaeron to his side, then led the way along the edge of the work floor through a broad archway at the far end.
He saw several broad archways and headed for one.
All that remained of it now was a broad archway and the crumbling fragment of a wall.
Three broad archways led out onto a porch on which rested the pointy-ended gray vehicle he had noted balanced at the top of the chute.
On one side a low, broad archway opened into the interior.
Beyond the sitting room was a broad archway.
Two extremely large men guarded the broad archway in front of Beverly Crusher.
It leads to a broad central hall flanked on the west by two parlors joined by a broad archway.