This flirtation with the big society reflects a broader anxiety to show the "relevance" of arts and humanities and thereby preserve public funding for the research council.
In this context, stage attacks on the godly may have served to channel and release broader anxieties about social trends.
China's currency policy is merely one element of a much broader anxiety.
But many educated Bangladeshis also fear that the affair may be used in the West to promote broader anxieties about the Muslim world.
One thus can distinguish between fear (an emotion, a feeling of alarm or dread caused by an awareness or expectation of danger) and some more broader anxiety.
UK research has suggested that broader social anxieties about the pace and direction of social change may shift levels of tolerance to ambiguous stimuli in the environment.
The tensions reflect broader anxieties in the music industry, which, as it is consolidated, is being transformed from a freewheeling creative playground into a more businesslike enterprise.
Others see it as a reflection of broader social anxieties.
Almost viral in its adaptability, the nouveau Gothique transforms itself in these pages, feeding off broader cultural anxieties.
Behind the eagerness is a broader anxiety shared by many investors and executives that the current Internet bull market could be at or very near its peak.