Richard, as usual, was as calm as if he had been preparing to step into a swimming pool for half an hour's brisk workout.
Procrastination is a simple skill, taking less practice time than a brisk workout, which can wait.
Reading "Manifold: Time" is like sending your mind to the gym for a brisk workout.
This should amount to nothing more than a brisk workout for Lendl, who now says winning Wimbledon is his biggest goal.
The ghost of Christmases past gets a brisk workout on tonight's CBS special "Television's Christmas Classics."
The same night, after a brisk workout on self-defense techniques with Kirk, Zar asked the Captain hesitantly if he might speak with him--privately.
"Everyone looks around here and says we can win," Jeff Conine, a Marlin original, said today after a brisk three-hour workout.
There were no guarantees of that magnitude from the Knicks as they prepared for the opener with a brisk workout today.
It was a pace that he set the other day after he had watched a brisk workout by Quintana and said: "Perfect, just what I wanted.
Shortly afterward, she usually takes time for a brief nap, or maybe a brisk workout at her health club, before picking up Raymond.