He apparently loves imitative counterpoint (it propels several of his works) as well as brisk, insistent rhythms.
The panicky hearts of this duo, played by the best-looking thespians in a cast of unknowns, keep the film's brisk rhythm.
However minimal his education, "he had learned a breezy patois and a brisk rhythm that allowed him to whittle a wisecrack to its essentials."
But by 1932, this Edwardian lyricism had given way to the brisk rhythms of mass production, mass consumption and advertising.
Watch how sentences take on a brisker rhythm as the pace of the story quickens.
Rajaram played brisk, folk-based rhythms from western India on the two-headed dholki drum.
The music stopped and went on in a brisker six-eight rhythm.
Before entering the dancing area, the drummers play a short and brisk rhythm.
At times, the three musicians could sound like the Police, with brisk rhythms below spacious guitar chords.
At Symphony Space, she played the small Andean guitar called charango, strumming brisk but transparent rhythms.