The Kansas and Nebraska Territories were largely settled by claims brought under the act.
Federal prosecutors brought criminal charges against the city under the act, but a Federal court dismissed them in 1987, saying that a municipality could not be held criminally responsible for the violation.
The lawyer, Leslie R. Weatherhead, brought a lawsuit under the act.
Perhaps the most important part of the proposed law would delete the word "racketeer" from civil suits brought under the act.
The lower rate applied to newly covered persons brought under the act by amendments, whose rates were gradually phased in.
Mr. Isaacs also explained that while lawsuits brought under the new act can result in court injunctions, individual plaintiffs cannot collect for damages, as they can in employment cases.
The case began as a lawsuit brought under the act by a Virginia college student, Christy Brzonkala, accusing two varsity football players of raping her.
The RICO Act allows for triple damages in civil cases that were brought under the act.
Ms. Reno does not have the authority to keep others from mounting challenges in Federal District Court, where a three-judge panel hears cases brought under the act.
Suits brought under the act have risen dramatically in recent years and courts have upheld the waivers provided they were signed voluntarily.