Philpot's retirement brought to a close an era in the life of the School.
That's one reason why Andretti's last ride here brings a finality to an era.
Gertrude Hornstein was a grand lady and she brings to a close an era never to be replicated.
The long-anticipated deal brings an end to an increasingly unhappy era for both publications, which have been run under a joint operating agreement since 1965.
On 30 November 2005, the last coal was removed from the Orgreave site, bringing an end to an era which began over 170 years before.
Help us bring America to a new era of greatness.
Thousands of people turned out for a funeral that brought an end to a political era.
Yet the Olympics, for all the success of affirmative action, have not brought Atlanta to an era of complete racial good will.
This brought an end to a long era of fog signaling at Roche's Point.
His photography brought a new perspective to an era of American music that would end with the British Invasion.