Mutual consent has rendered it unnecessary for the Syrian forces to bring tanks, armored cars or other heavy weapons into the southern suburbs.
He shouted orders to the other men, "Bring tanks that contain the ghost death.
Little had the builders ever suspected that the cars would be used to bring American tanks east to help defend Russia against an invader.
The British Army surrounded the police station, then brought tanks in and took over the police station.
Water sports gear and scuba equipment is available for rent; it is not advisable to bring weight belts or tanks.
During the 1947 strike, the Egyptian government brought tanks into Mahalla, killing three workers and injuring 17 more.
They are bringing tanks and helicopters that officers say will enable them to launch a devastating armored strike against Iraq.
I'd have to bring tanks for the turn.
If you need oxygen during a layover, you should arrange for your oxygen supplier to bring tanks to the airport.