This plan would also take $4.4 billion out of the budget bringing federal spending below $300 billion.
The increase approved today, therefore, would bring total spending for the plan to $9.4 billion, some of which would be spent over several years.
But the outlines of the plan offer some promising elements for bringing excessive public spending under control.
The arrival of over a million American soldiers in 1918 brought heavy spending for food and construction materials.
The new package brings total spending on stimulus since 1992 to more than $800 billion.
That percentage would bring total spending in line with the twenty year historical average of government revenue and begin paying down the national debt.
His government tried to bring public spending under control and pursued an assertive foreign policy.
One way to achieve popularity in one's district is to bring it federal spending, thus creating jobs and raising economic performance.
The caps brought Federal spending on Government agencies down to $538 billion for the coming fiscal year.
The 1,200 page bill brings total spending to $4 billion over last year and $35 billion above the House-passed budget.