Lozoraitis brought grace and sophistication to the campaign, stressing his experience in complex foreign affairs.
He is credited with bringing greater sophistication and professional marketing techniques to the sales arm of the National Trust.
She also added, "She brings sophistication, refinement, romance and passion to the brand."
On a more positive note, she said, larger insurance companies can bring more money and "sophistication" to helping purchasers obtain high-quality care for employees.
Along with ruthlessness and intimidation, the army brings discipline, consistency and sophistication to many parts of Pakistani life.
The ever so helpful computerized systems that they now use is bringing more efficiency and sophistication than any other port in the United States.
"He was the only one who had faith that blacks could bring the right dignity and sophistication to Shakespeare."
Kaat, a calm and wise presence, brings sophistication and history to a telecast.
But the influx of sharp new legal minds is also welcomed in the legal community as bringing sophistication to the increasingly complex appeals process.
Although private investors would have no control over the lottery's operations, they would bring much-needed sophistication and accountability, he said.