Lajeunesse defended his actions stating that the pay increase brought parity with other universities in Canada.
Ostensibly, one of the aims of the agreement was to bring parity to the 30 teams in the NBA, while still facilitating player movement.
Legislation aimed at bringing parity to college football, in fact, widened the gap between the haves and the have-nots.
Senator Akaka has worked tirelessly to bring parity in the United States' treatment of all its indigenous peoples.
He remains steadfast in his efforts to protect the rights of all, and will continue to work to bring parity to Native Hawaiians.
Supreme Court asks the Central Government to consider respective states' minimum wages to bring parity between them.
And we have got to fill in the gaps in coverage by finally bringing parity for the treatment of mental illness because that's been left out.
The New Jersey Supreme Court has ordered the state to come up with a plan to bring about parity in spending between rich and poor districts.
The 4.0 release catapults Firefox back to the front of the pack, bringing parity in performance, features, usability, and support for Web standards.
The contract they won brought parity to nursing salaries in the public and private sectors.