Adrian brings you news, sports and opinions on the liveliest lunchtime programme.
According to Görlach, The European does not have a specific political leaning but strives to bring differing opinions into dialogue with each other.
The trade brought divided opinions as to which team got the better of the deal: neither Hinson nor McCormick were true centers.
"Flange" was another that brought divided opinions.
For Ward, scoring 20 points Sunday, a postseason high, brought about disparate opinions.
It is a subject to which everyone brings an intimate familiarity, strong opinions and feelings both buried and exposed.
Spectrum of Viewpoints As the middle class surged into the brackets of wealth in the 1980's, they brought their middle-class values and opinions with them.
Bringing divergent opinions together to a consensus, mostly with too little time to spare, is not always easy.
Through task forces, conferences, studies, and leadership dialogue, the Council brings Chicago's ideas and opinions to the world.
They had rough hands and were sunburned, and brought a more down-to-earth attitude and blunter opinions.