And besides, they have never brought their relationship into the studio.
But Milton has so little sympathy for the Clintons that she rarely brings their relationship to life.
When Krahe's daughter dies in a car accident, he begins to depend on her more and more, bringing their relationship into the open.
Wells shut out the Rangers tonight, 5-0, bringing his season's performance and his relationship with his manager full circle.
Lisa brings their short and intense relationship to an end at Christmas time when she returns to the United States.
I wondered whether Edward would do something to bring their relationship back to the old footing.
She felt that this had brought their relationship onto a new, sturdier footing - that of affectionate friends.
"These figures bring into question our relationship with the EU and what we are getting out of it."
This helps to resolve their previous opposition with each other and brings their relationship closer.
As the film starts, the couple has begun to grow bored with their existence bringing their relationship to an impasse.