The dwarf brought his axe up and ready on his shoulder.
With a roar of pain, Throndin brought his axe down, carving the ore's arm from its body.
The bugbear pivoted away and brought its big axe around to block.
With a mighty swing, he brought his axe around.
Garric brought his axe around in a swift, slashing diagonal.
They looked towards Jimmie's humpy and saw him come, bringing his axe.
Jhingleshod rocked up as though he might fall, then brought his axe down and split the ghoul through the side.
When the witch came to the forest she could not get through it until she went home and brought her axe to cut a path.
He brought his axe up to his shoulder.
The executioner brings his axe down, and the queen's severed head drops onto the ground.