It took two weeks to bring the heavy guns into range of the pā, they started the cannon bombardment on 27 December 1845.
While well out into space the group began crowding the vision screens which brought into range the streets and buildings of the cities.
Carter Boswick, back against the wall below, did not offer the suitable target that they wanted, but a strange freak of chance brought him into range.
Five hours, maybe less, would bring them into range of his four-inch guns.
He could not depress the Spear sufficiently to bring the target into range.
Yet, it would be taking quite a chance itself, springing at me, up there, bringing itself into range.
It would have brought the Jets into field-goal range while they nursed a 3-0 lead in the second quarter.
His foot snaked out to touch hers the moment she inadvertently brought it back into range.
I thought bringing in the line would bring the shot into range for more of our opponents, and it has.
The first charge would bring the Nadir into range for nearly two minutes before the siege ladders could reach the walls.