The whole journey was performed with equal rapidity; the thirty-two horses, dispersed over seven stages, brought them to their destination in eight hours.
By the clock on the wall, it was a quarter to the hour; my determined pace had brought me here in less than two hours.
During the rest of the convention, the records show that people were brought to court in less than 24 hours, the normal deadline.
She did not calm down until they brought him in two and a half hours later.
The Christmas Day snow-storm brought 22 inches of snow in 24 hours.
When they're down, I can use them to start up an electric trickle-feed generator which can bring them back up in six hours.
Bring me back in four hours,' the Admiral directed.
"I'm going to bring him back in two hours."
Bring him in two hours.
We don't have civil administrators and police who can be put on planes and brought here in 24 hours.