For this reason, many amphibious military assaults were brought about in an attempt to remove the other side from the banks of the river.
Iraqi families brought their cases to the High Court of Justice in an attempt to secure independent inquiries and compensation.
If twigs were from a forsythia in late fall and brought indoors in an attempt to force them to flower, nothing would happen.
Strack stuck his hands up, then suddenly brought them down fast, in an attempt to grab one of the guns.
So determined was he to resist that he managed to bring one arm up in an attempt to slap his communicator.
"We brought her here in an attempt to activate her body's natural immune system, but it didn't work."
On the day of the party however, Ammy brings Han-na's father in an attempt to blow her cover.
For several years the German producer tried to bring her back in an attempt to complete the film.
The owners brought in Leslie in an attempt to reverse their legal fortunes.
The same god who had brought the vast hoard here, in an attempt to hide it, keep it for himself.