The Spanish conquistadors brought cows, goats, and sheep to the New World, permanently changing Mexican dietary habits.
The settlers brought sheep, cattle, horses, and goats from Norway to supply their farms with animals.
These are frequently used to bring goats on heat, either in or out of the breeding season.
This cycle stopped in the late 1800's, Dr. Allen said, when early ranchers brought cows, goats and sheep whose heavy grazing left the land shorn of grass.
The seafaring population brought sheep, goats and pigs with them.
When man began to settle the Galapagos in the late 1800's and early 1900's, he brought goats, dogs, pigs and rats with him.
The wealthier bring goats, cattle or camels.
Approximately eight thousand years ago, the first cattle breeders and farmers arrived in the area, bringing wheat, domestic goats and sheep, as well as the knowledge of their breeding.
After some introductory sessions they will bring live rabbits, poultry, swine, goats, sheep or horses into appropriate areas of the school for further study.
No sooner do grasses sprout on these mud banks than people follow, bringing goats and sheep and cows.