If am official dose not correctly use his power, bringing calamity to the country and people, while enjoying high salary, isn't he a robber?
It is believed that women who do not obey these rules will bring calamity to the ritual.
Some Jewish communities put up notices urging their members to pay these taxes so they wouldn't bring calamity down on the heads of everyone.
They were associated with bringing illness, calamity, and destruction to humanity.
The events of Sept. 11 have brought the station journalistic triumph, technical nightmares and financial calamity.
He could, by himself, bring about such calamity as the world has never seen.
They believed that the spirit of their dead would haunt them bringing forth diseases and calamity.
To disobey any of the restrictions could bring calamity down upon the dancer or his family or tribe.
Maybe it was a trick of Luck to bring calamity and disaster upon him.
But in no uncertain terms, Napster brought with it calamity.