These efforts have brought attacks from Arab commentators (and some in the agency's staff union) claiming that the agency suppresses freedom of speech.
The Iraq war has brought attacks on Americans, but in Baghdad rather than Boston.
Their time on the line brought nightly mortar attacks, bud casualties were light and there was no thought of bringing up reinforcements.
At the same time, rock's new visibility has brought attacks from people who hadn't paid attention when the music was just noise on the radio.
The late afternoon brought renewed French attacks with infantry and cavalry in a last effort to win the day.
"You well know that each year brings more attacks."
The next 2 days brought even heavier Japanese attacks.
This brought further attacks from gunmen on her, this time in her home rather than her workplace.
Republicans welcomed his suggestion, even though it could bring attacks from the Social Security lobby, one of the nation's strongest.
His final broadcast tonight marks a 33-year run on public television that has brought awards, attacks and almost uncountable stories.