The concerto, she says in a program note, includes some of Franz Xaver's most beautiful and brilliant writing.
His scientific prestige lent credibility to the cause, his political campaigns drew public attention, his brilliant writings persuaded.
Indeed, there is much brilliant writing in The Flounder.
We have libraries of your brilliant writings, all personally signed with your unique wit.
If such brilliant writing is not enough, this woman's quest is a grand adventure across a land that assaults and seduces all the senses.
Just awesome writing, absolutely brilliant.
Professor Weisberg cites the opinions of Justice Cardozo for their brilliant writing.
"What I don't understand is why more people didn't notice at the beginning how brilliant the writing is," the actor says.
Despite the show's brilliant writing and production, it did not sustain a sizable audience, and was canceled by CBS in 1992.
"Hamlet" has brilliant nonmelodic writing, especially in the poisoning scene.