This is a brilliant and superbly written study by a writer, himself a poet, who understands his subject with acute but critical sympathy.
His book A Place on the Corner is a brilliant study of life around a Chicago bar in the 70s.
M. You realize this is one of the most brilliant studies of adolescence ever written?
It is a brilliant study in movement taken apart and reassembled to highly emotional effect.
"The Secret Agent" remains the most brilliant novelistic study of terrorism as viewed from the blood-spattered outside.
The "brilliant theological study... attracted so much attention in Germany that within a few years it passed through three editions..."
This is a brilliant tribal study and a bone in the throat of all decent people.
By combining mathematics with sharp social insights, he produced a truly brilliant study of the potential for growth in the Americas.
Many were brilliant studies in light & shadow.
Ms. Dwight's biography is, among many other marvels, a brilliant study in the relationship between love and work.