From his shoulders depended a short cape of white fur lined with brilliant scarlet silk.
Disguised as cardinals in brilliant red silk, Faustus and the spirit appear before the Pope.
Dressed in brilliant silks color-matched to within an inch of their lives, he looked fat and prosperous and very pleased with himself.
I looked at my enchanting, suddenly grown-up daughter wrapped in brilliant silk, and wished Bill were there to see her, too.
For the brilliant silk of his vest Henry aimed, where the knife might go in between the ribs, with no impediment.
"You'd be surprised," Trish murmured absently as she surveyed a long, sweeping evening gown in brilliant green silk.
She'd seen women dressed in elegant clothes and jockeys in brilliant silks.
There was a shawl there, plain in the welter of brilliant silks and fine fabrics.
Pennants flew from the parapets at every turn, brilliant silks fluttering in the wind.
He stood close to her, reaching out a wrinkled hand to caress the brilliant silks.