Suddenly the light split into its component wavelengths and a brilliant vertical rainbow held Hope Island within a prism of colours.
The geyser shoots steam and water to heights of 75 feet (23 m) in an arch over the river, sometimes causing brilliant rainbows.
Often the Waimea mists roll in from the heights, bringing brilliant rainbows with them.
At that moment a brilliant rainbow appeared in the sky.
VELDON was painting a picture of wealth and fame - a brilliant rainbow which lay just beyond the horizon.
The curious brilliant rainbows rimmed the dark mote.
We looked out upon this sublime spectacle from under the arch of a brilliant rainbow!
Far down the valley, past many bends of the river, a cloud of spray lifted high above the water, crowned by a brilliant rainbow.
Mnementh and Ramoth, necks stretched out and eyes whirling in a brilliant rainbow expressing their consternation, landed gracefully beside him.
Then his head slammed into a low rock and a skyrocket soared and burst into a brilliant rainbow of color, sputtered out, and all was still.