At an early age he associated himself with the Socialist party, soon becoming one of its most brilliant orators and prominent leaders.
He has been considered by many to be one of the most brilliant orators of all time and a masterly French stylist.
Like Caesar, he's a brilliant orator with huge crowd appeal.
A brilliant orator, Reed put on a dramatic courtroom show of eloquence, logic and a few tears.
The most sought after Urdu public speaker of his times, he was indeed a persuasive and brilliant orator.
Slowly, masterfully, the brilliant orator worked the audience up into a frenzy.
Her insights into the man don't go much beyond what we already know - he was dedicated and was a brilliant orator.
Harrison was a highly effective politician and a brilliant orator.
Young Curio was cleverer by far than his father, and a brilliant orator.
His bright and eloquent speeches won him a fame of brilliant orator.