With its helter-skelter, sax-driven, Stooges-riffing backdrop it was the perfect vehicle for Poly's singular voice and brilliant lyrics.
Millay's sometimes brilliant lyrics have been overlooked because of the hokum and manipulation all around them; this elegant biography detoxifies the poet's life.
Delighted with his brilliant lyric, he sang it over and over, adding new lines as he wove back to the harbour.
After several months her attention was eventually piqued by "Broken Doll", which she thought was a well-crafted song with a "fantastic chorus and brilliant lyrics."
He was famous for "his brilliant lyrics filled with popular sayings and critiques of the age and verses commenorating innumerable important occasions."
You'll hear every detail of Brown's voice growling its way through the complex and sometimes brilliant lyrics.
But it was a great song with brilliant lyrics.
While About.com's Ben Norman felt that it was a mostly understated track with brilliant lyrics and a haunting harmony.
According to Edmund Gosse, "Carew's poems, at their best, are brilliant lyrics of the purely sensuous order.
We've not been let down once since 'Wrote For Luck'; danceable with brilliant lyrics, every one.