The camellias outside the Capitol are in brilliant bloom, the thick tule fog comes rolling up the Great Central Valley on cold mornings, and Frank Fat's, the illustrious Chinese restaurant and bar downtown, fills nightly with lobbyists and legislators looking for deals.
Meadows were filled with the brilliant red bloom of fireweed.
Blood, spreading in a brilliant crimson bloom, seeped slowly from the wound.
A moment later the image of the Drolae vanished, replaced first by a brilliant if short-lived bloom of orange molecular fire, which quickly gave way to a rapidly expanding sphere of sun-dappled metal shards.
The building bordered on the central courtyard and gardens, and the tropical flowers were in brilliant bloom.
A study of the types of citizenship which form the composite American, must be incomplete without including the ripened fruit of generations, as well as the brilliant bloom which exhausts itself in the blooming.
Expanded this year to five and a half acres, the show includes several dozen large gardens resplendent with trees, shrubs and perennials in brilliant bloom; several hundred captivating amateur competitions, and a seemingly infinite array of garden wares from windowsill bonsai to high-tech hoses.
And they are only birchlike in winter, when a brilliant white bloom covers the purple bark.
That had been . . . nearly thirty years ago, when the crabapple trees now in brilliant bloom above her head had been tiny sticks, her aunt's idea.
Then we strolled through a "chapel" of stately sequoias and went on to the camellias, in lush, brilliant bloom.