The fish was bright turquoise now, but bring it to the surface, the color would fade as life ebbed away.
The tail and back can be bright turquoise.
The exterior siding was painted the bright turquoise of Easter eggs, the window frames and roof trim done in sooty white.
He removed the mask and covered her face with a bright turquoise sequinned one he'd chosen for her.
The hydroid colony, which can range from bright blue turquoise to yellow, resembles tentacles like those of the jellyfish.
I love bright turquoise, for example.
Aleid Head describes the color selection, which includes acid yellow and bright turquoise, as garish.
Then she and 14 students used their free time over 10 days and painted the third-floor hallway a bright turquoise.
The fierce, high-altitude sun turns the Namtso water a glimmering bright turquoise, and I watch one crane soar over the lake.
On the near side, the water was bright turquoise and lapped at the wafer-thin shoreline.