As she stared at that bright swath of sunlight, a memory broke free, surging past her defenses.
At night, every 10 seconds, the twin beams of the Chatham Lighthouse cut a bright swath through the usual fog.
The four-cell beam cut a bright swath through the darkness, reaching deep into the confines of the rock.
Through this gap spilled a yellow gleam, painting a bright swath on the cavern floor.
It records the basic shapes and features of each building in a bright swath of outlines and color that fills the middle register of the paper.
Completing the yard are 26 live oak trees, lavender bushes that cut a bright swath and stone walls that weave about the property.
A bright swath of light cut out from it across the more dimly illuminated corridor.
On the trailing hemisphere there is a network of bright swaths on a dark background and few visible craters.
Her scent perfumed the air; her aura cut a bright swath easily discernible even in the tangled mix of life signs within the crowd.
Viewed from space, some of the earth's most pronounced features are the blue of the vast oceans, the white swirls of moisture-laden clouds and bright swaths of ice covering the poles.