The brightest signal is limited by the total amount of charge that can be accumulated in a single pixel.
I had only to look at the bright signal which taught me how to live.
Albedo was first identified from the contrast of bright and dark signals photographed by Eugène Antoniadi.
Mr. Wall and other officials of the bank board hailed the transaction today as a bright signal of progress for their Southwest Plan.
An electronic limit usually imposed in cameras to avoid overly bright or dark signals.
Most of the highland areas on Venus display a similar bright signal.
And almost at once I got a huge, bright, nearby signal.
Therefore, prey populations that are more toxic are predicted to manifest less bright signals.
On the runways, the loops watch for planes or other traffic, and if they sense anything, the system flashes a bright signal to any approaching planes.
More than ever, we are the bright signal in an otherwise dark night.