The bright shine left his eyes, and now looking into them was like staring into a pair of deep, dark wells that seemed to have no bottom.
The bright green and blue shine most brightly.
Some stupid, unenlightened part, not the artist but the idiot in her, loved that earring, the bright rich shine of it.
Her voice was a trifle husky, and there was a bright, liquid shine in her eyes.
True, I cannot see the stars scattered like gold-dust in the heavens, but other stars just as bright shine in my soul.
These are polished to a bright shine once a week, but they start to darken within a few days.
Death, my head observed, can put a bright shine on very tarnished metal.
Then she laughed, realizing that the native couldn't know there were eyes under that bright shine.
The bowl was polished to a shine so bright it almost glowed.
I could picture her face, her smile, the bright shine in her eyes.