Even the mud puddles had a bright brown sheen.
She couldn't do anything, however, to hide the bright sheen of tears in her eyes.
The highly polished central cavity originally had a bright, golden sheen - the natural color of the bronze.
Her breath came quickly, as if she had run a great distance, and there was a bright sheen of sweat on her face.
All well and good, but the sweat was starting to come out on his face, giving it a bright sheen.
The sea was a bright sheen less than six feet below him.
It produces an entire plumage black with a bright metallic sheen.
She curried him to a bright sheen and filled his bin with grain, deep in her own thoughts.
His eyes had the bright sheen of fear in them.
He could see something now- a bright sheen, almost like the reflected gleam of metal.