The tower searchlight slid across the minefield and touched them, joined human and grendel in its bright yellow oval.
The newspaper clippings vanished from the bright oval of light on The Shadow's desk.
The energetic particles coming from Jupiter's magnetosphere create bright auroral ovals, which encircle the poles.
Snap had found it and was moving the bright oval nervously about the room.
The hands of The Shadow were visible in that bright oval.
His head lifted, and he met the bright oval of her shining eyes.
The bright green oval was surrounded by a glittering mass of white and blue and black.
The Shadow's flashlight threw a bright oval on the face.
Her head was uncovered now, her face, oval, thin and bright, shone lily-pale between wings of black, curling hair.
It generally grows as a small shrub to 1 m (3 ft) high with long narrow serrated leaves, and bright yellow oval or round inflorescences.