Hanging on the wall behind a granite receptionist's station was the company's logo done up in bright neon.
The pain of suspending her in subzero temperatures several stories above the White Sea was emblazoned like bright red neon across his features.
In the bright mountain light, the narrow stained-glass windows blaze bright as red, blue, and yellow neon.
Tossed around as she was, all Lorraine could see were the tops of high-rise buildings, many with bright neon names and logos.
There were two or three all-night diners to choose from and they pushed through the door that announced 'Good Eats' in the brightest neon.
She couldn't go out into the bright neon and look for him, as she didn't want the carnies to know she had escaped.
The name of the club was spelled out in brighter green neon wrapped around the front and sides of the building, just below the roof.
There were paper lanterns and human candles, burning braziers and bright gaudy neon.
I'd never known theNightside so dark, without its bright neon, its gaudy glare of bustle and commerce.
I figured he would have gone straight for the bathroom, so I hung around the newsstand in the bright neon and watched the door.