They were there: half a dozen rock demons grouped beneath the long legs of the spider; a black carpet of proto-mice; all embedded in a cloud of bright motes, insects.
Above them, the helicopters were bright motes.
The bright crimson motes danced in her left iris.
And as the transporter effect surrounded him, sending bright motes of light across his vision, the last thing he saw was the sky falling.
Yama clad in a buzzing weave of bright motes, preaching to a multitude on some high place, with the world spread beyond.
The waves crashed with firm intent against the Dragon Stones when she gazed out to sea, but no bright motes of color flitted against the somber crags.
All around, he felt energy-the slow patient grass, the bright motes of insects, the twitter of rabbithoms in their burrows, the far-off glide of an owl.