Prisons could be sued because of the bright floodlights around them, he said.
In a moment, we are at a smaller, low building, its driveway bathed in bright floodlights.
We walk out to the front of the building, into the strange bright floodlights.
Suddenly, he headed for the ring, which was set up under a canopy ringed with bright floodlights.
Her smile was almost as bright as the sodium floodlights at the top of the tunnel.
With dusk falling, bright floodlights illuminated a scene that will forever remain in my memory.
All the way down there, a bright floodlight suddenly lit a section of the sea floor.
Inside the warehouse was dark; outside, a series of bright floodlights provided a theft deterrent around the entire perimeter.
He could see the bright floodlight in the field beyond, accentuating the twisted form of the oak tree.
There were bright floodlights placed here and there to drench a large area with light.