But the bright facade is deceiving.
Lenin, Stalin and Brezhnev lay in state behind its bright green facade.
The ancient port itself looks almost like a movie set, with new wooden benches, freshly potted plants and bright facades painted onto old buildings.
It was lined on both sides with Chinese restaurants, crowded together, bright gaudy facades in reds and yellows.
It is easily recognised by its bright green facade and bold modern architecture.
The bright yellow facade at this Viennese spot, across from the academy, makes it hard to miss.
The cloaks hide the sinners just as they sought to hide their true intentions or feelings beneath a bright facade on earth.
Those cruising down 11th Avenue at night may have already noticed the bright facade of the entertainment complex dedicated to 1950's music at 28th Street.
In 2006, the old curtain wall was deemed to dark and the owners of requested for an upgrade into a more transparent and bright façade.
Its bright blue facade is now punctuated by holes made to investigate the underlying structure.