This homegrown brand specialises in funky leather goods, but you may not even recognise the medium under the layers of bright embroidery and chunky jewels.
On top was the expected assortment of socks and underwear and neatly-folded priest-shirts, with the bright embroidery of some gold and white vestments showing beneath.
Historically, Italy has had a long tradition of bright and colourful embroidery.
Their colorful dress, adorned with bright embroidery and silver baubles, makes them an arresting sight.
She had a pleasantly round face and her plump figure was encased in tight denims and a loose peasant shirt with bright embroidery.
She wore a pleated linen shirt with bright woolen embroidery along the low-cut bodice and sleeves, and her tail was braided with bright ribbons.
Outside, on the grass stippled with the bright embroidery of light and shadow under the trees, Iago Vaughan sat clasping his little travelling harp.
She wore a waterman's garments: baggy shorts, baggy shirt, and a vest with bright red embroidery.
He took the scroll case and looked at it a long moment, then set it upon a stack of unused parchment, the colorful embroidery bright against the creamy vellum.
His waistcoat was a rainbow of bright embroidery.