Sparkling sconces and bright bouquets multiply and retreat into infinity.
Colette Parker, dressed in a Dalmatian-dotted winter coat, held up a bright bouquet of romaine lettuce to a stranger, who thanked her very much.
And Taste paid gold for bright bouquets, The parlor vase that drest, That scented Fashion's gray boudoir, Or bloomed on Beauty's breast.
Her songs form a bright bouquet in an array of languages (French, German and Italian) and styles.
Outside the building where he works, someone had left a bright bouquet of flowers.
Alongside, bright bouquets of flowers have been pushed through the chain links.
The stone flowerpots on the forecourt sported bright bouquets of pelargoniums, their magenta-splashed faces turned gratefully to the noonday sun.
But their indoor row-on-row old rocker bins and tin-lined oak drawers displaying seed stock and bright bouquets of original lithographed packets might be the real scene stealers.
Late that afternoon as we trudged along we spotted a bright bouquet of color up ahead, glowing dimly through the rain.
Then, she laid the rose on the ground, along with a small, bright bouquet.